Saturday, May 7, 2022

last night

I went to this place Anne Lamott once called a bad neighborhood--

my mind

I contemplated judgment in me

source of my anxiety and insecurity

it was a dark place, a place that scares me

but I was not afraid 

because I wasn't alone

the one who knows me nevertheless loves me went there with me 

I watched the birth of judgment

how it took a form and rooted deeply in me

how it tangled its vines around me 

at times chocking me

almost knocked me down

I deeply desired to be liberated from it 

and prayed 

And I remembered

all the people Jesus healed

how they needed to have the courage to live a healed and transformed life

without going back to the old habits and patterns.

When I desire liberation

I also need the courage to embrace the challenges that come with liberation

it's Christ who heals

it's me who lives out a new life

pre Easter reflection

roll away the stone whatever that stone might be pea under your bed pebble in your sock that annoys your entire being making you lose sleep ...