a night at Goose Rocks Beach
There's a fire in every heart.
There's something about this fire, big or small,
that makes us feel artificially powerful
and momentarily blinds us from seeing the ultimate damage.
It makes us intensely focus on keeping the fire going
without thinking what's burning and turning into ashes inside and around us.
That's why tending this fire in us is, in fact, a loving thing to do.
It will eventually keep us from going to the places where we will burn ourselves and others.
Although we may feel the heat of pain
as we look deep into the source of the fire,
if we tend the fire in us with love and compassion
the fire becomes a source of light that casts the dark sides in us.
The more we tend the fire in us
the more we become the people of the light,
the people of the bush on fire but do not burn up.