Saturday, July 11, 2020

gift from the ocean

as always I didn't check the weather before I walked out to go to the beach.
It was overcast and a bit foggy morning
so I thought I'd walk for an hour before the rain.
And I wanted to put together my thoughts on the sermon while walking.
Once I walked into the beach
I almost heard the ocean calling my name.
Come closer!
Let's play!
At first I refused.
No, that's not why I'm here.
I need to organize my thoughts.
It insisted.
Just be with me. Be.
So I let go of my plan and started walking.
Waves came closer to my feet like a teasing friend
and I ran to walk away laughing.
Then I saw something I never have noticed before.
The reflection of the sun on the beach was walking along with me.
There must be a simple scientific explanation 
but at the moment I was in awe of seeing the sun walking beside me.
Like a good friend.
And I realized that it's only on a certain surface I can see the reflection.
The reflection disappears on dry sand and becomes blurry when the wave covers the sand.
It's only visible on wet sand with no moving water.
I thought of it as a thin space where the distance between heaven and earth is thinner,
where I can gaze at God's presence
where I no longer feel separated from my Creator.
I tried to stay on that path
knowing it will soon disappear.
I only hoped that my lack of faith will not make me act as if I never witnessed it.
As I was leaving the beach
I felt hugged by God.
I realized the ocean invited to be with it
to give me a special gift.

Monday, July 6, 2020

strange math

It was on an accident that I found the nest with the baby birds.
While I was looking outside through my prayer room window
I noticed a bird constantly flying into the tree. 
As I looked closely where the bird was going
I found the nest with four little birds.
They were so precious 
and filled my heart with pure joy in the amazement of life.
  My heart was beating with the baby birds' every movement.
For a few days, I was a birdwatcher 
moving from one angle to another to look at them closely. 

Probably on the fourth day of watching them
as I was coming back from work
I walked up to the tree to take a picture.
It was almost like I'm approaching something SACRED
and I felt like I need to take off my shoes.
I took a quick picture and walked away
trying not to disturb them or their mother probably watching from somewhere.

Then the next day when I looked at the nest they were gone.
My heart dropped.
I hoped it wasn't because I disturbed them or scared them away. 
I like to believe that it was just a coincidence 
that I took a picture on their last day in the nest 
and they were ready to leave.
As I tried to make sense of it all
I heard some birds singing.
As soon as I heard the birds
like magic I was relieved thinking 
'They are meant to leave the nest. They are meant to fly in the air.'
Then I could feel my heart feeling joy again.
I said a prayer of blessings for the birds
and of thanksgiving for the gift of joy and wonder I received for a few days. 

Today the house became an empty nest again
Joel and Teddy left early to Philly as Joel has things to do at school.
Later Shawn left for his apartment as his work begins in-person office hours.
I was a bit weary as I looked at Joel's room.
As expected it was a moment of grief, 
something I'm used to now. 
I just needed to remember to be gentle with myself. 
Later I got a text message from Joel. 
They stopped to buy a bass guitar he wanted and were having lunch.
His text was full of excitement. 
Suddenly I discovered my mood changing from weariness to joy 
just like the time I heard the birds singing.

Even though I felt a loss when they left
I found myself not counting my loss 
because when they are happy I am happy as well. 
Somehow my loss disappears when they gain 
and their gain becomes my gain. 
This is such strange math. 

House is quiet as it once used to be
and I am content.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

pre Easter reflection

roll away the stone whatever that stone might be pea under your bed pebble in your sock that annoys your entire being making you lose sleep ...