It was probably the most difficult day of my life as a pastor
when they removed the life-support from
the 8-day old baby boy, firstborn of a young couple,
name Cole.
Since his premature birth
I went to see him every day.
And I baptized him in the hospital room.
Even in the deepest pain that I've ever witnessed in anyone's life
he lived 8 full days
and every moment with him was precious.
His life was honored, cherished, known to us.
After we let him go
as I was driving back home from the hospital
in the middle of the cloudy sky
out of nowhere
a tiny little rainbow appeared.
As soon as I saw it
I remembered the story of my friend.
On the day her son tragically died and she went to see his body
on her way back home
all of a sudden a rainbow appeared and
she knew he's letting her know he's okay.
So I just knew the tiny little rainbow
was Cole's art piece
letting me know that he's safe, he's arrived.
I vividly remember how it comforted my broken heart,
how the pain was instantly removed and gratitude took place.
My body remembers the warmth spreading from my heart like electric waves.
Ever since then
I named it Cole rainbow.
It's almost like
Cole is setting a rainbow for me to say hi.
So every time I see it, I also greet him
"Hi, Cole"
and he comes alive
along with warmth, comfort, and gratitude I felt that day.
Even though he couldn't stay with us long
Cole left with me the greatest gift of all
a sign of resurrection.