Wednesday, May 27, 2020

I can't breathe

Crucifix at Franciscan Monastery

another life was taken away
a child of God born with God-given honor and dignity
under an arrogant dehumanizing knee with full body weight 
slowly losing strength to beg for life
with no air to breathe
in front of the eyes of the helpless bystanders
he died 

along with him
love died
justice died
the belief of humanity being innately good died
in a human form full of corrupted self-indulging power 
I saw an evil

"I can't breathe"
echoes in my heart the familiar voice 
"I am thirsty"
of another violent death
and I lament again
Lord, how long and how many more lives will it take 

Mr. Floyd, 
May you now breathe freely in the presence of God who created you. 
 May your neck be held in the gentle and healing strokes of Jesus' hands 
once broken but now made whole. 
And may the love and justice come alive
from death to resurrection

In honor of Mr. George Floyd 
an unarmed black man in Minneapolis who died under police custody 
after a police officer pressed his neck to the ground with his knee until he became unresponsive

pre Easter reflection

roll away the stone whatever that stone might be pea under your bed pebble in your sock that annoys your entire being making you lose sleep ...