Saturday, April 30, 2022

3 years in 3 hours

while I was driving to the Priory 
for the first 2 hours
the sky was changing constantly...
it was cloudy for a while, 
then sunny for a few minutes,
then foggy for a bit, 
then rainy often and on,
I have all kinds of New England weather 

I was thinking...
'this looks like my life over the past three years'
I certainly had all kinds of weather
good days and bad,
exciting days and dull moments, 
weathered through many storms

then I was thinking...
'the only thing that's missing is snow'
and guess what
as the thought crossed my mind
I turned left to Vermont Rt 100 S, 15 mins to the Priory
it snowed...
the temperature dropped 10 degrees in 5 minutes. 
when I arrived at the Priory
it snowed hard
and I chuckled at God
'You really didn't want me to miss this one, did you?' 

after I got the instruction from brother Alvaros, 
went to Romero House,
chose a room I'd stay, settled down, 
all of a sudden, 
the room got brighter and the sun was shining through the window
I couldn't believe it...
the whole time, the 3 hours
perfectly mirrored 3 years of my life
who can design something like this other than God?

3 hours of driving made me realize that 
whatever I am going through is a normal part of life 
and it will pass eventually 
even when I feel like it will last forever 
as long as I trust that God is in the midst
I was deeply touched and humbled
Thanks be to God

pre Easter reflection

roll away the stone whatever that stone might be pea under your bed pebble in your sock that annoys your entire being making you lose sleep ...