bought a new puzzle
and the day I booked a moving company
I opened the box.
Sounds like odd timing.
While I need to start sorting things out and packing,
and I still have boxes from the move 2 years ago to unpack and repack,
and lots of decisions to make, keep or give away or throw away?
I started a new puzzle.
Somehow when things are uncertain and distracting,
I found a puzzle bring me back to the space I need to be.
It makes me...mindful.
While studying each piece and searching for its place
I encounter my tethered thoughts.
While sorting the pieces out by their alikeness
I sort out my raw emotions.
While matching a small section at a time
I feel a bit closer to my own wholeness.
I distract myself from the stress of uncertainties
and focus on putting something tangible together,
I found it cleansing and decluttering.
Knowing that I have all the pieces I need to complete this task
and eventually, I will get it done,
gives me a sense of comfort.
Also knowing that I can stop anytime and put it back into the box
gives me a sense of freedom.
so I would think...
it's a perfect time for a puzzle.