Wednesday, September 2, 2020

energy from the rocks

as the first full moon labyrinth walk was canceled due to weather

I went to Conservation Trust to walk on the labyrinth for the first time.

As I entered into the mystery of the new and unfamiliar path 

I recognized that this labyrinth has different energy 

because of the stones

brought in memory of loved ones by families. 

The stones welcomed me 

as if they were eager to tell me their stories--

the stones that survived the wind and rain for many years,

the stones that carry the stories of the saints,

the stones as heavy as the pain of grief, 

the stones as precious as the memories and blessings they left behind, 

the stones connected to each other 

as if they are holding hands together to create a path 

that will lead people to wholeness and centeredness.

I walked in drained and exhausted

and walked out a bit more balanced with clarity and equanimity.

I put my hands together and bowed deeply

to the rocks and the saints they represent and all who made it possible.

Most of all, to God who led me to be there,

where, as Thich Nhat Hanh said, I arrived.

I miss the energy already. 

pre Easter reflection

roll away the stone whatever that stone might be pea under your bed pebble in your sock that annoys your entire being making you lose sleep ...