Thursday, April 30, 2020

broken heart

When a Jewish rabbi taught God's wisdom and prayers 
he always said, "put them on your hearts." 
One day a student asked him, 
"Why do you say to put them on our hearts, not in our hearts?" 
The rabbi answered 
"All you can do now is to put them on your heart. 
And one day when your heart is broken 
by the grace of God, it will open 
and they will fall in your heart." 
(excerpt from "lamp in the darkness" by Jack Kornfield)

There's something about 
that is sacred
There's something about them
 make us whole
 create new and another beautiful pattern
when by the grace of God, 
they are embraced 
and integrated into us

There's so much wisdom in what the Psalmist says,
The sacrifice acceptable to God is a broken spirit;
God will not despise a broken and contrite heart (Psalm 31:17)
and in what Paul says,
 It is in our imperfection 
God's power is perfected (2 Cor. 12:9)

While journeying in this world of imperfection
 as an imperfect human being
we often are vulnerable, 
When that happens 
all we can do is 
to lean our head slightly  
against the shoulder of the One 
who sits beside us 
with an ever-ready listening heart
 with a never-ending song of grace   
offering a gentle touch of soul massage 
with the healing balm of celestial fragrance
breathing along in our rhythm and pace
bringing us back 

pre Easter reflection

roll away the stone whatever that stone might be pea under your bed pebble in your sock that annoys your entire being making you lose sleep ...