Traveling through Holy Land has been my aged dream
The place Jesus lived, walked, taught, prayed, was suffered, killed, and rose back to life, only if can I be there…
I couldn’t dare to dream of the trip.
Just imagining made my heart flutter, overwhelm, teary
Always thought it’d be later in life
when I become a disciple mature in faith
a pastor fully seasoned
a pilgrim ready with maps and scrolls
only then will I be there.
if it happens before I die it’d be huge luck.
That huge luck came earlier than I thought
God of surprise dropped me in that land
while not mature, neither seasoned nor ready
That’s probably why…
With an empty heart and timid feet
I walked THE roads
I touched THE stones
I smelled THE dry dirt in the deserts
I greeted THE misty morning in Galilean Lake
And He appeared…
everywhere, I mean, everywhere
and everything there was witnessing Him
"I saw Him" "I heard Him" "I was there also"
THE mountains, THE rivers, THE fields, THE trees, THE rocks boldly there, gently spoke to me their stories of Jesus
I said to them tell me more… and more
and they did
What else do I need
my aged dream came true
I encountered Him…
Now back in my place
I wish to live like them
boldly standing here, gently speaking to others
I saw Him
I heard Him
I was there also