Tuesday, May 12, 2020

power of gentleness

as I listened to the winds and rain hitting hard the windows all night
I thought of the tulips in my backyard
thin and long stems just out of the ground
such gentle pedals 
will they survive

the sun came out as if nothing happened 
and I found the tulips 
as tall and proud 
like a miracle

over and over again I learn 
there's power in gentleness
and often I find
it is a gentleness 
that gets us through the storms

 people like tulips
who seem too gentle therefore vulnerable
when the storm comes
while hard branches get broken
 the wires get cut
yet they still stand tall
because their gentleness
kept them from damaging
themselves and others

pre Easter reflection

roll away the stone whatever that stone might be pea under your bed pebble in your sock that annoys your entire being making you lose sleep ...